Zhongzhu Zhou / Charlie Zhou 

🏢 Office: Room 408, J12/1 Cleveland St, Darlington NSW 2008

📮 Email:  zhongzhu.zhou [at] sydney.edu.au, zhouzhzh8 [at] mail2.sysu.edu.cn


"Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final." - Rainer Maria Rilke

 Who am I?

I am a Ph.D. student at the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sydney, supervised by Prof. Shuaiwen Song

Prior to my current position, I was a research assistant at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University from 2019 to 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Dan Huang, Yunfei Du, and Yutong Lu. I received my B.E. degree from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University in 2019. 

My research focuses on multiple aspects of the deep learning algorithm and system stack, including the design of general neural network improvement algorithms, GPU kernel development, and efficient compiler and runtime framework optimization. Specifically, I aim to enhance and bridge the gap between emerging machine learning algorithms & applications and heterogeneous hardware (CPU/GPU) kernel, compiler, and runtime framework in terms of productivity and performance.

Feel free to drop me an email if you have aligned interests.

Currently, I am working on 

Education & Honor and Awards

Honor and Awards:

Honor and Awards:

Honor and Awards:

Honor and Awards:

Professional Service



C Language Programming in Chinese
Xuemao Zhou, Wei Yi, Zhongzhu Zhou

Conference Paper

JSidentify: A Hybrid Framework for Detecting Plagiarism Among JavaScript Code in Online Mini Games
Qun Xia, Zhongzhu Zhou, Zhihao Li, Bin Xu, Wei Zou, Zishun Chen, Huafeng Ma, Gangqiang Liang, Haochuan Lu, Shiyu Guo, Ting Xiong, Yuetang Deng, Tao Xie

Journal Paper

Binary Neural Network for Automated Visual Surface Defect Detection
Wenzhe Liu, Jiehua Zhang, Zhou Su, Zhongzhu Zhou, Li Liu


KUBERNETES 用户态应用中基于虚拟文件系统的小文件存储优化系统
Liang Du, Guixin Guo, Kangyou Zhong, Yunfei Du, Yutong Lu, Zhongzhu Zhou


JSidentify: A Hybrid Framework for Detecting Plagiarism Among JavaScript Code in Online Mini Games
  • ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering) 🎥 Jul, 11, 2020

Conference Participation


COMP3520: Operating Systems Internals
  • Fall 2023, Tutor, The University of Sydney


  • Course Certificate: Sample-based Learning Methods
    • an online non-credit course authorized by University of Alberta, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute and offered through Coursera; November, 14, 2021
  • Course Certificate: Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning 
    • an online non-credit course authorized by University of Alberta, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute and offered through Coursera; Aug, 20, 2021
  • IELTS Test Scores: Listening: 6.5; Reading: 7.0; Writing: 6.5; Speaking: 6.5; Overall: 6.5
    • October, 08, 2020

